Complex processes or input forms can represent a challenge for even properly onboarded users. This is especially risky with long processes, where a wrong user input made at the beginning can have a lasting impact downstream.
Smart tips are easy-to-place bubbles that offer on-spot explanations wherever users need guidance, like next to input forms for accurate data entry. They can also highlight new features with attention-grabbing beacons.
In most products, the input forms are identified by users as the most confusing and frustrating part of the user experience. Removing obstacles and risks for frustration by placing a contextual help leads to overall higher user satisfaction.
The power of Smart Tips lies in their great return on investment - they do a great job, while the implementation is quick and they require minimal maintenance. Just place a tooltip on a select element of your page and it’s done!
Smart Tips can work independently or in combination with Product Tours or User Onboarding Checklist.