Product Tours provide on-screen guidance to your users, helping them to successfully understand your product and find the “aha” moment. Like a software navigation system, product tours provide interactive step-by-step guidance and assist users in getting the value of your product.
Product Tour feature allows you to create tip balloons, pointers, modals, slideouts, or just to highlight elements on your site. These steps are built as part of an in-app walkthrough guide.
Usetiful Product Tours support a wide variety of triggers and delayers, allowing you to build tutorials that feel like an integral part of your application. No longer showing introduction popup when a page is only getting loaded! No longer showing a success-celebration modal, when your application just rejected a user’s input. The strength of Usetiful Product Tour triggers and delayers makes it a great solution for single-page applications.
Well made product tour can effectively reduce the user churn by helping users to reliably discover the “aha” moment. They learn by doing how to get the job done in your product.
Our platform transforms complex product tours into clear, navigable visual pathways, ensuring you maintain clarity regardless of the complexity of the process.
Complex products can accommodate multiple product tours - either in form of individual walkthroughs or connected into a User Onboarding Checklist.